Prophets in the Old Testament Who Left No Writings: Gilgal
EXCURSUS ON GILGAL from The Prophets of Israel: Walking the Ancient Paths by James K.…
EXCURSUS ON GILGAL from The Prophets of Israel: Walking the Ancient Paths by James K.…
Layer 1: Song (shirah) from The Manifold Beauty of Genesis One: A Multi-Layered Approach by…
from Luke-Acts in Modern Interpretation written by David K. Bryan edited by Stanley E. Porter…
When Did Jesus Begin His Earthly Ministry? from 40 Questions About the Historical Jesus by…
The Many Layers of Genesis 1: Part II from The Manifold Beauty of Genesis One:…
The Many Layers of Genesis 1: Part I from The Manifold Beauty of Genesis One:…
from The Prophets of Israel: Walking the Ancient Paths by James K. Hoffmeier One might…