Biblical Languages

A Reader’s Lexicon of the Apostolic Fathers
from A Reader’s Lexicon of the Apostolic Fathers by Daniel B. Wallace PREFACE This volume is the second in…
Biblical Studies

The Gospel According to Luke: Jesus’s Birth and Preparation for Ministry
from Introducing Jesus: The Fourfold Gospel by Andreas J. Köstenberger JESUS’S BIRTH AND PREPARATION FOR MINISTRY (1:1–4:13) Luke’s Purpose (1:1–4)…

Why Is Atonement Necessary?
from 40 Questions About the Atonement by Channing Crisler And just as it is appointed for man to die once,…

A Conversation with Greg Henson, Co-Author of Theological Education
What work or research led you and Kenton to want to write this book? Our journey toward writing this book…