Human Images of the Trinity (pt. 4)—God as a Business
Human Images of the Trinity that are Static (pt. 4) God as a Business from…
Human Images of the Trinity that are Static (pt. 4) God as a Business from…
Human Images of the Trinity that are Static (pt. 3) God as Government // God…
Human Images of the Trinity that are Static (pt. 1)—Our Bodies One Person, Three Parts,…
The LORD provides for his people’s spiritual and physical needs as a gracious host: An…
EXCURSUS ON GILGAL from The Prophets of Israel: Walking the Ancient Paths by James K.…
Layer 1: Song (shirah) from The Manifold Beauty of Genesis One: A Multi-Layered Approach by…
from Luke-Acts in Modern Interpretation written by David K. Bryan edited by Stanley E. Porter…
When Did Jesus Begin His Earthly Ministry? from 40 Questions About the Historical Jesus by…
The Many Layers of Genesis 1: Part II from The Manifold Beauty of Genesis One:…
The Many Layers of Genesis 1: Part I from The Manifold Beauty of Genesis One:…